Payment Methods

  1. What are our payment methods?
We accept the following payment methods:
  • We have a Cash on Delivery, Credit Card, Debit Card.
  • We do not accept payment by bank transfer.
  1. Can i pay for my order in installments?
  • You can proceed with the installment payment option using accepted bank cards on over 100 Dolar.
  1. How can I use bonus points on my credit cards?
  • We can't process your payment by bonus points from your credit card.
  1. How save am I by making payment via credit card?
  • has the highest level of security measures in order to keep personel and financial information private and safe.
  • Your credit card information is sent in encrypted from to the banks and is not stored in database.
  1. Can I pay at the door?
  • We offer "Cash on Delivery" as a payment method. Once you have selected ''Cash on Delivery'' method, a tick box option for cash/card payment at the door is available. Please specify to avoid inconvenience.  
  • A service charge of 4.95 TL must be paid to the delivery courier for ''Cash on Delivery'' orders.